BY LAWS01234567891011121314151617181914./ Protests14. PROTESTS(a) A letter of protest, forwarded via your KDNTA Club Delegate or an authorised representative of your club, must be lodged in writing no later than four (4) days immediately following the match.(b) The KDNTA Secretary will confirm receipt of the complaint in writing and forward the complaint to the opposing club's Delegate.(c) The opposing club must acknowledge receipt of the complaint and provide a response to the complaint in writing no later than four (4) days from the date the complaint is forwarded by KDNTA. The response must include:(i) a concession that the allegations are true and correct in whole or in part,whichever applies; or(ii) provide its version of events if it disagrees with the allegation(s); In the event that the opposing club concedes that the allegations are true and correct in whole or in part, the opposing club may provide a written submission of no more than one page to the KDNTA Executive as to the disciplinary action it considers to be appropriate in the circumstances of the complaint.(d) No later than four (4) days after receipt of the opposing club's response, the KDNTA Secretary will forward the response to the Protesting club for its response. The protesting club must provide its written response no later than four(4) days from the date the opposing club's response is forwarded by the KDNTA(e) The KDNTA Secretary will confirm receipt of the protesting club's response inwriting and provide a copy of the response to the opposing club.(f) The KDNTA Executive Committee will:(i) Consider all versions of events & responses; and(ii) Consider all previous complaints involving the players named in the complaint, including any previous disciplinary action taken; and(iii) Make a determination. An executive meeting may be required forcomplex cases.(g) The determination will be provided in writing to the protesting club, the opposition club and the players named in the complaint within 24 hours of the determination being made. The determination will include the following:(i) A summary of the determination and the disciplinary action to be taken if any or all of the complaint is substantiated;(ii) If any or all of the complaint is substantiated, a written warning in accordance with rule 14(i) to any or all players named in the complaint;and(iii) A summary to club only of any determination made against the Opposing Club.(h) All correspondence will be forwarded by the KDNTA Secretary to the KDNTAExecutive Committee via email.(i) The KDNTA Strike system will operate as follows:(i) 1st strike = First Official warning in writing by KDNTA submitted to both player & club via email and mail.(ii) 2nd strike = Final official warning in writing by KDNTA hand delivered to the player & club representative in person at an organised meeting with 2 KDNTA Executive Committee members present.(iii) 3rd strike = Official suspension determined by KDNTA advised in person with a formal letter at an organised meeting with 2 KDNTA Executive Committee members present.(iv) Further strikes against a player will incur more severe penalties and will be entirely at the discretion of the KDNTA Executive.(j) If the KDNTA deems an offence to constitute serious misconduct, the KDNTA Executive reserves the right to suspend the player at its discretion without following the Strike System outlined in 14(i)(k) The KDNTA Executive decision is final
BY LAWS01234567891011121314151617181914./ Protests14. PROTESTS(a) A letter of protest, forwarded via your KDNTA Club Delegate or an authorised representative of your club, must be lodged in writing no later than four (4) days immediately following the match.(b) The KDNTA Secretary will confirm receipt of the complaint in writing and forward the complaint to the opposing club's Delegate.(c) The opposing club must acknowledge receipt of the complaint and provide a response to the complaint in writing no later than four (4) days from the date the complaint is forwarded by KDNTA. The response must include:(i) a concession that the allegations are true and correct in whole or in part, whichever applies; or(ii) provide its version of events if it disagrees with the allegation(s); In the event that the opposing club concedes that the allegations are true and correct in whole or in part, the opposing club may provide a written submission of no more than one page to the KDNTA Executive as to the disciplinary action it considers to be appropriate in the circumstances of the complaint.(d) No later than four (4) days after receipt of the opposing club's response, the KDNTA Secretary will forward the response to the Protesting club for its response. The protesting club must provide its written response no later than four(4) days from the date the opposing club's response is forwarded by the KDNTA(e) The KDNTA Secretary will confirm receipt of the protesting club's response in writing and provide a copy of the response to the opposing club.(f) The KDNTA Executive Committee will:(i) Consider all versions of events & responses; and(ii) Consider all previous complaints involving the players named in the complaint, including any previous disciplinary action taken; and(iii) Make a determination. An executive meeting may be required for complex cases.(g) The determination will be provided in writing to the protesting club, the opposition club and the players named in the complaint within 24 hours of the determination being made. The determination will include the following:(i) A summary of the determination and the disciplinary action to be taken if any or all of the complaint is substantiated;(ii) If any or all of the complaint is substantiated, a written warning in accordance with rule 14(i) to any or all players named in the complaint;and(iii) A summary to club only of any determination made against the Opposing Club.(h) All correspondence will be forwarded by the KDNTA Secretary to the KDNTA Executive Committee via email.(i) The KDNTA Strike system will operate as follows:(i) 1st strike = First Official warning in writing by KDNTA submitted to both player & club via email and mail.(ii) 2nd strike = Final official warning in writing by KDNTA hand delivered to the player & club representative in person at an organised meeting with 2 KDNTA Executive Committee members present.(iii) 3rd strike = Official suspension determined by KDNTA advised in person with a formal letter at an organised meeting with 2 KDNTA Executive Committee members present.(iv) Further strikes against a player will incur more severe penalties and will be entirely at the discretion of the KDNTA Executive.(j) If the KDNTA deems an offence to constitute serious misconduct, the KDNTA Executive reserves the right to suspend the player at its discretion without following the Strike System outlined in 14(i)(k) The KDNTA Executive decision is final