BY LAWS0123456789101112131415161718199./ Court Requirements9. COURT REQUIREMENTS(a) The type, condition and surroundings of each competing Club’s courts shallmeet appropriate safety standards as regulated by the governing body of tennisin Victoria and be subject to the approval of the Executive.(b) The Executive may require any club to make repairs to their courts andsurroundings that they deem necessary.(c) Any club failing to make such repairs will need to provide an alternative venueuntil such time as the repairs have been completed to the satisfaction of theExecutive. Failure to make such repairs may lead to the Club being suspendedfrom the Association.(d) The provision of an alternative venue requires Executive approval prior to anymatches being played at the venue.(e) Where more than one (1) court is used for any one match they must be of thesame surface, unless otherwise agreed by both captains.
BY LAWS0123456789101112131415161718199./ Court Requirements9. COURT REQUIREMENTS(a) The type, condition and surroundings of each competing Club’s courts shall meet appropriate safety standards as regulated by the governing body of tennis in Victoria and be subject to the approval of the Executive.(b) The Executive may require any club to make repairs to their courts and surroundings that they deem necessary.(c) Any club failing to make such repairs will need to provide an alternative venue until such time as the repairs have been completed to the satisfaction of the Executive. Failure to make such repairs may lead to the Club being suspendedfrom the Association.(d) The provision of an alternative venue requires Executive approval prior to any matches being played at the venue.(e) Where more than one (1) court is used for any one match they must be of the same surface, unless otherwise agreed by both captains.